About Us: OhkaySports.Asia

The who, what, where, when, how and why’s…

OhkaySports Team

The OhkaySports.asia team is made of sports fans, enthusiasts, athletes, volunteers and just people who believe in the power and impact of sports for so much that is good in the world. We live, breathe and think sport constantly. The positivity and emotions that sport bring into our lives propel us to want to help bring these stories to more people.

We don’t create the stories, we just help tell them.

Values and Beliefs

  • Lengthy, even long-winded stories
  • True, authentic, genuine emotions, connections.
  • Honest, respectful opinions. Ability to agree to disagree.
  • Actions, speaking for themselves
  • End on a High note. A positive spin of action.

What is OhkaySports all about?


OhkaySportsOpinions [OSO] : Ever felt you have the solution to all that is ‘wrong’ in your sport, the one truth that you don’t understand why no one else gets? Usually that’s called opinion. In OhkaySportsOpinions, we sieve through opinions, popular or otherwise, and seek to engage in healthy debate. And above all, we hope to help crystallise some constructive actionable plans through this segment, while exploring some imaginative visions (some call it ‘fantasies’) in sport.

Athletes; Asean [AA]: Finding ourselves in the middle of ASEAN, we are excited and intrigued by the sporting talent in this region. This segment seeks to explore the sports identity of the region through stories of individual athletes, in any sport we can find. Professional, national team, school team, we will feature them all.

FindingOrigins [FO] : Retracing every step from how each sportsperson started in sports from young till the first time they represented their country. Hoping to get athletes to tell their own stories, but there are also interesting biographies to start with!

Get-IN : A part of our existence is to encourage sportspeople to take up sports and eventually compete, be it professionally or as national representatives. Get-IN seeks to demystify the process of going from beginner to national team, exploring the selection criteria, international standards and more, with the help of sports associations and experts in the region.

How-to Series : A series designed to help simplify your journey into sports. We put ourselves in your shoes to research and ask the questions so you don’t have to. The series seeks to find the possible answers to questions like How to get started? How much? How to train? for a newcomer to any sport. One question we would veer away from though, is “How come?”.

Ohkay All Angles : Delivering sport stories from every point of view, beyond the athlete. Volunteers, officials, administrators, fans, parents, pundits, anyone with a story to tell of their interaction in sport. Anyone can have your say! Send in your story today.

Ohkay The Games [OTG] talk : News, perspectives, shining moments, painful memories, stories of struggles and behind-the-scenes of anything and everything related to the Major Games that ASEAN countries partake in, starting from the SEA Games.

Ohkay PicDepo : A depository of photos, contributed for the use of athletes, fans and more! Sports photographers are welcome and invited to send in their work, we know for sure that people love to be photographed, and none more than when they are shining in their moments of passion in sports. Credits given where credits’ due for sure.

Ohkay.Sport Socials : Instagram! Twitter! Bringing in the latest updates by athletes and sporting bodies, starting with ASEAN and Asia. Get to know the instagram handles of star athletes, or scout for the next up-and-coming sporting talent, right on the Ohkay.Sport Socials wall.

Ohkay.Coach&Tips: Infographics, videos, tips involving skills, techniques, tactics to get better in your chosen sport. Sharing of resources, views and knowledge sourced from around the world. Take what works for you and aim for the world! Come into this space to debate and learn.

Ohkay Mind/Matter/s :

Ohkay.Sports Fandom : Fanfict, messages, photos, tributes; all contributions are welcome to be posted in this segment. Subject to approval of Ohkay Positivity Policy.

OhkaySports Positivity Policy

OhkaySports.Asia is all about Sport and all its associated – competition, intensity, struggles.

We are all different players, stakeholders with different beliefs, interests to further, or to protect. Controversies, conflicts, drama tend to be deemed more newsworthy or interesting in the media. We come from a sporting background, and respect the time, efforts, ideals and dreams of athletes and people in sports that we want to keep this positivity in the spotlight, grounded by truthful reflections in the environment and circumstances of the day.

At OhkaySports.Asia, we believe that sport should be a force for good, inspirational, highlighting perseverance, and improvement.

Sharing stories and viewpoints brings more content, pushes boundaries & limits, and can be a kind of positive change agent. We believe in being real, but also being respectful with our words. Reflecting on real issues is not about being negative but is about facing the truth and taking the positive step towards a better tomorrow. There should be no attacks on personnel, even and especially on those with differing views.

What we mean by positive: The intention must be kind and well-meaning. Let us always refrain from criticism with no discussion, or criticism for criticism’s sake.

Any criticism, if raised as a point of contention, should be to question if the people and systems in sports can do more or if things could be done better, for the goal of improvement. Any opinions and commentary or discussions are to end with suggesting positive actionable steps.

Not everyone will like the stories we tell, or even agree with the ideas and arguments we present but we act with a belief in the right to ATD; Agree to Disagree. This is a platform interested in promoting healthy active discussion for the betterment of the scene.

Let us harness passion positively.

This is a platform to inspire positive change, even if the change we each want to see might be envisaged differently from others. We believe that if the intention is positive, a common ground can always be found in sports. Just like athletes, who as competitors can find common ground in the pursuit of excellence, in honing skills and techniques as they are pitted against each other.

There could be future lapses in judgement, in the midst of passionate words delivered instantly almost to events that transpire. Thus, having this positivity policy is an assurance to our audience of our commitment to positivity through and in sports. This is also a constant reminder to contributors and editors of OhkaySports to procure and provide content from a positive start point.

If you find any content on our pages that goes against the values and terms set out in this positivity policy, please do raise them in comments or in the form below. The OhkaySports team will ensure we go through every concern, and make the necessary changes if need be, to ensure we adhere to this positivity policy that is at the heart of what we do.

Harness Passion Positively.

OhkaySports.Asia Team

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